Now, this may not sound like an amazing revelation to you, but it is to me after I got to understand Charlie Brown's character. I never noticed that Charlie Brown is bad at everything. That's the charm of his character - he's always searching for some way to prove to himself (and his friends) that he's good at something. The genius of Charles Schultz is that he never lets Charlie Brown succeed at anything! Why? To teach a lesson.
Charlie Brown is always looking for a way to be successful in a worldly sense. As a stark contrast, Snoopy is a dog. As he says: "Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement. " The sort-of depressing thing is, Snoopy's awesome at everything! He's Joe Cool! Any time he tries anything, he does exactly what Charlie Brown wants to do.

In the end, though, Charlie Brown is finally told that there is one thing he's good at. In fact, it's something he's probably the best at out of all of his friends: he's a good man. Charles Schultz lets us all know that no matter how successful in this world you are, true success is somewhere a lot less noticeable.
Wow, nice conclusion. I never realized this before, but it's comforting.