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Not ignoring the big things, just enjoying the little things.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm a Twit.

That's right. I got a Twitter account. You can find me at http://twitter.com/@bobbykritzer if you care.

On another note, I went to Michael's yesterday to buy some felt and sharpies in order to make a Bonanza board and a Tripoley board. I always thought Bonanza was a family game that was based off of Tripoley, but apparently it's a real game that other people play, too! Go figure.

Anyway, I went into the Michael's and I quickly realized two things: 1) I was immediately lost, and 2) I was the only guy in this store.

You know how sometimes your mom cleans/organizes your room for you and all of a sudden you have no idea where anything is? Well, that's how I feel at Michael's, thus proving my mind doesn't think like an artistic woman.

I did eventually see a few guys in the store, but they looked like they were probably art students from San Jose State. You know the kind...thin, tall with a graphic tee, unshaven with a soul patch, and a few very light tattoos.

As I wandered aimlessly through the store, I couldn't help but think of how easy it would be to "pick up chicks" (for lack of a better term) in a Michael's. Imagine the conversation (and my own outlandish assumptions of how the female mind works):

Me: (I am so freaking lost. Where the heck is the felt?)
Girl: (There's a guy walking through the aisles! And he doesn't look like an emo artist! He must be sensitive, down to earth, and creative if he's in this store!)
Both: Excuse me!
Me: Sorry about that! I'm uh...I gotta be honest. I have no idea where anything is here. Do you know where the felt is?
Girl: I think so, check aisle 6....um....so what are you making?
Me: Oh, I'm building a couple of card game boards. Have you heard of Bonanza or Tripoley?
Girl: (Wow! A guy who plays board games instead of video games! I thought they were extinct! Plus, he's resourceful and economical!) No...I've never heard of those before.
Me: Oh yeah, a few of my friends have been dying to play. Hey, if you're up for it, why don't you come play with us!
Girl: Sure!
Me: Why don't I get your number....

End scene.

Thank you, imagination, for being tainted by past chick-flick horrors. This is probably how it would really go (with a more realistic assumption of the female mind):

Me:  (I am so freaking lost. Where the heck is the felt?)
Girl: (Oh look, a guy. Wow, he looks lost.)
Both: Excuse me!
Me: Sorry about that! I'm uh...I gotta be honest. I have no idea where anything is here. Do you know where the felt is?
Girl: (Oh God, he's talking to me. I thought this place was safe. All I wanted was a picture frame...) Nope.
Me: Ooookay then.

End scene.

Yeah, that's more like it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble but even girls don't know where anything is in Michael's. I been going there since I was 13 - even worked there for a while - and I still usually have a hard time finding the cross stitch section >.>
