I've officially been at work for a year now, which is the longest I've ever held a job (granted, it's my first job out of college...), and I finally feel like I've been here long enough to enjoy the bounties of having worked with the same people 40 hours a week for an entire year. I'm enjoying the little things of work, like doughnut meetings, cake anniversaries, and other food-related reasons for celebration. My co-workers say I'm easily amused, but I prefer to just say I enjoy the little things at work. This is probably because it's really hard to enjoy the big things (It's not work if it's not, you know, work.).
I usually have doughnut meetings and cake anniversaries to look forward to, but the thing I really like about free fruit brought in by my co-workers is that it's always a surprise. I wasn't expecting anything special to happen today, yet here I am eating plums that were lovingly shared by people I didn't even know a year ago!
I love these unexpected blessings, and I keep forgetting that God continuously surprises me with bags of fruit I had no idea he had waiting for me. Fruit that has been growing for quite some time that I had forgotten was planted. Or maybe it was planted by someone else, and God just decided to give me bag so I could know about it and share in the harvest. Like an old friend coming to town wanting to hang out with me, or the opportunity to share my faith with someone, or getting a glimpse into a friend's life that I never thought I would get the opportunity to see.